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Pre-Eruption Guidance & Appliances Eruption Guidance

Home < Pre-Eruption Guidance & Appliances Eruption Guidance

Some children have smaller arches or larger teeth than average or have an uneven bite. Losing teeth too early can allow the remaining teeth to shift position, affecting the development of the adult teeth by decreasing the room available for normal tooth eruption.

In our pediatric dentistry center in Brooklyn we offer the latest pre-orthodontic treatments, habit correction appliances, palatal expanders which can help guide jaw growth. Come visit our center and meet Dr. Khabensky DDS and Dr. Kim DDS. Our doctors provide personalized and comprehensive care for kids, teens and use natural techniques and organic measures whenever possible.

Guiding Jaw Growth Before Permanent Teeth Erupt

Pre-orthodontic treatment can help to guide jaw growth, addressing the underlying reason why teeth come through crooked or overcrowded. There are several major advantages in this approach to treatment which include:

  • Guidance appliances can widen the arch and can correctly align the jaws, so there is enough room for teeth to erupt properly.
  • Treatment can optimize a child’s facial profile, giving them the nicest possible facial appearance.
  • When the jaws are the correct size and are properly aligned, it can improve overall health, ensuring the airway is open and avoiding issues such as sleep apnea.
  • Correctly positioned jaws make it easier to bite and chew food thoroughly, promoting healthier eating habits.

Habit Correction Appliances

Habit correction appliances are useful for children who breathe through the mouth or who have a tongue-thrusting habit. The appliances help to teach children how to breathe correctly through their nose instead of through the mouth. These devices can help children to position their tongue correctly and teach them how to swallow properly. Children also learn to keep their lips together unless they are speaking or eating.

After treatment, their tongue rests in the correct position in the mouth, and they will be able to keep their lips together comfortably. These devices are often removable and are worn for a few hours each day, often in conjunction with specific facial exercises.

Palatal Expanders

Children who suck a thumb or finger can have a narrower upper arch, leaving insufficient room for adult teeth to erupt correctly. Arch development appliances, called palatal expanders, work by gradually expanding the upper arch. The device has a screw fitting in the palate that is slowly turned, widening the palatal expander and guiding jaw growth.

By widening the upper jaws, we can help to ensure there is adequate room for the upper teeth to come through comfortably and straighter, avoiding problems with overcrowding. The device also helps to ensure that the upper and lower jaws will meet together correctly, helping to avoid bite problems.

Reducing the Time Needed for Braces During the Teens

Using pre-eruption guidance appliances can help to correct many common problems. Although treatment won’t necessarily avoid braces during your child’s teens, it could help reduce the time needed to wear them.

If braces are necessary, they are more likely needed to make more cosmetic improvements to the overall appearance and alignment of your child’s teeth, rather than to correct any major bite problems.

Do you have any questions about pre-eruption guidance and appliances eruption guidance we offer in our Brooklyn Pediatric Dentistry Center? Would you like to schedule an appointment with the best rated kids and teens dentists that are considered an experts in pre-eruption guidance? Please contact our office for a consultation.

This page was published on Oct 7, 2020, modified on Nov 14, 2020 by Pediatric Dentistry Center

Pediatric Dentistry Center
2148 Ocean Ave, Ste 401A
Brooklyn, NY 11229

The information on this website is to provide a general pediatric dentistry information. In no way does any of the information provided reflect a definitive treatment advice. It is important to consult a best in class pediatric dentist in Brooklyn regarding ANY questions or issues. A thorough dental evaluation should ALWAYS be performed for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Be sure to call your local kids dentist or pediatric dentist Dr. Igor Khabensky DDS or Dr. Tracy Kim, to schedule a consultation.
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